Select the JATS XML export format to download and save your reference list as JATS XML. This format is UTF-8 encoded.

JATS 1.0 (the Journal Article Tag Suite) is the latest version of what was known as the NLM Journal Publishing XML DTD, an XML DTD that has been widely adopted by a large number of publishers of scholarly journals. It defines XML elements and attributes that describe the content and metadata of journal articles, including bibliographic references. JATS XML does not define the presentational style of the reference; it identifies the semantic meaning of each element of the reference, allowing the reference to be rendered in any style.  

 A typical JATS XML reference as output by Edifix looks like this:   


<ref id="b1"><mixed-citation publication-type="journal" specific-use="restruct"><?corrected-journal-title Essays and Studies (London, England)?><?corrected-abbrev-journal-title Essays Stud. (Lond.)?><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name><surname>Ardolino</surname>, <given-names>Frank</given-names></string-name></person-group>. <year>1995</year>. &#x201C;<article-title><italic>Apocalypse and Armada in Kyd&#x2019;s</italic> Spanish Tragedy.Kirksville: Sixteenth-Century</article-title>.&#x201D; <source><italic>Essays and Studies (London, England)</italic></source>.<issn>0071-1357</issn><annotation>
<p content-type="diff">Ardolino, Frank.<strike> Apocalypse</strike><underline> 1995. &#x201C;Apocalypse</underline> and Armada in Kyd&#x2019;s Spanish Tragedy.Kirksville: Sixteenth-Century<underline>.&#x201D;</underline> Essays and Studies<strike>, 1995</strike><underline>(London, England)</underline>.</p>
<p content-type="warning">The reference has no pages. Please proof carefully. (in reference "Ardolino, 1995").</p>
<p content-type="warning">Please indicate if the reference is &#x0022;in press&#x0022;; if not, please provide volume and page numbers. (in reference "Ardolino, 1995").</p></annotation></mixed-citation></ref>


Note that your JATS XML references include corrections and warnings in the <annotation> element when they are exported from the Show Changes view: 

<p content-type="diff">Ardolino, Frank.<strike> Apocalypse</strike><underline> 1995. &#x201C;Apocalypse</underline> and Armada in Kyd&#x2019;s Spanish Tragedy.Kirksville: Sixteenth-Century<underline>.&#x201D;</underline> Essays and Studies<strike>, 1995</strike><underline>(London, England)</underline>.</p>
<p content-type="warning">The reference has no pages. Please proof carefully. (in reference "Ardolino, 1995").</p>
<p content-type="warning">Please indicate if the reference is &#x0022;in press&#x0022;; if not, please provide volume and page numbers. (in reference "Ardolino, 1995").</p></annotation>


Warning and comments, but not corrections, are included in the <annotation> element when you export to JATS XML from the References + Links/Comments view.

Production-ready JATS XML that includes only your references and no <annotation> element at all can be exported from the References Only view.

Want to learn more about JATS XML? 

Check out this presentation by our CEO, Bruce Rosenblum: JATS and Its Role in Scholarly Publishing from JATS-Con Asia Steering Committee on Vimeo.